Wednesday 7 October 2015

Cooperative Learning

            Something of particular interest for me is cooperative learning. Slavin (2015) defines cooperative learning as a teaching method where children work together in small groups to help each other learn. This can be an effective teaching technique. The cooperative learning teaching strategy differs from traditional approaches. For example, cooperative learning classrooms seat children in a different manner.  In a traditional classroom approach students would be seated in rows facing the teacher. In a cooperative learning classroom students would sit in small groups together(Sharan, 2014). This seating arrangement supports collaborative learning because it can facilitate discussion in the classroom. As well, it changes the power dynamics of the classroom. It is no longer a teacher lecturing at the front of the classroom, but instead encourages group effort to learn collaboratively. Sharan also elaborates that it is important that students feel comfortable to ask questions of one another and the teacher in a non-judgmental way (2014). Sharan (2014) also suggests that teachers would be impressed with the ideas their students come up with. A personal goal of mine is to establish a positive classroom learning environment where children feel they can speak freely without worrying about being judged. Cooperative learning may play an important role in helping me to achieve this. Here are some examples of cooperative learning activities!

            Slavin (2015) describes that the children in cooperative learning classrooms want to learn and help one another and want to see each other succeed. This is an excellent goal for any classroom because it discourages children from competing with one another. It encourages working together and reinforces that everyone can be successful. Slavin (2015) also describes a Jigsaw puzzle method, which is a type of cooperative learning strategy.  In the Jigsaw method students work in groups of four or five and each person focuses on a particular topic. Then the students will get together with an “expert group” which will consist of students that were all given the same topic. The expert groups will discuss their topic, and then everyone will return to their original groups. Within the student’s original groups they will then discuss each member’s expert topic. This is something that one of my elementary school teachers would use to teach history. We would each get a topic to discuss and she would give us a short reading in our expert group to read and discuss. Then we would return to our original group to teach each other what we had learned in our expert groups. When reflecting back on my elementary school experiences the lessons that stick out in my mind are ones that incorporated cooperative learning methods. These lessons gave us a sense of agency because it was our responsibility to learn and to make sure that our peers learned as well. This sense of responsibility is empowering for students and can make students genuinely care about their learning. Here is more information on the Jigsaw method! 

The diagram below helps explain the Jigsaw method!

Image Retrieved from

I think that cooperative learning is a key classroom teaching method. Our blogs are a form of cooperative learning because we each take on a topic, learn more in-depth and then share with one other. I wish more of our classes provided the opportunity to investigate a topic on our own and then share with our peers. In investigating cooperative learning for this blog assignment I have come to realize that cooperative learning is an excellent teaching method. I feel this because cooperative learning has the potential to develop a positive atmosphere in the classroom, foster collaborative skills, and  create a sense of agency for the students. I would like to end with a quote from Benjamin Franklin, “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn”. Therefore, in order to make learning more meaningful lessons for our students we should consider adopting a cooperative learning approach.


Sharan, Y. (2015). Meaningful learning in the cooperative classroom. Education, 43(1), 83-94. DOI:

Slavin, R. E. (2015). Cooperative learning in elementary schools. Education, 43(1), 5-14. DOI:

Additional websites:

Tewksbury, B. (2009, Feb 6). The Jigsaw Technique. Retrieved from

Insitute for Character Education. (2005). Cooperative learning or positive interdependence. Retrieved from

Cooperative Learning: Effective team work! (Photo)  (n.d.) Retrieved from

 Jigsaw Technique (Photo) (n.d.) Retrieved from